Almathera Ten Pack 2: CDPD 1
Almathera Ten on Ten - Disc 2: CDPD 1.iso
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Assembly Source File
362 lines
; NewEx.asm 90-06-11 Version V1.1
; New Executeing program
; Written by Kjell Cederfeldt in June - 90.
ExecBase = 4
OpenLibrary = -408 ; exec offset OpenLibrary(libName,version)(A1,D0)
CloseLibrary = -414 ; exec offset CloseLibrary(library)(a1)
FindTask = -294 ; exec offset FindTask(name)(a1)
WaitPort = -384 ; exec offset WaitPort(port)(a0)
GetMsg = -372 ; exec offset GetMsg(port)(a0)
ReplayMsg = -378 ; exec offset ReplayMsg(message)(a1)
Forbid = -132 ; exec offset Forbid()
Open = -30 ; dos offset Open(name,accessMode)(D1/D2)
Close = -36 ; dos offset Close(file)(D1)
Write = -48 ; dos offset Write(file,buffer,length)(d1/d2/d3)
OutPut = -60 ; dos offset OutPut()
Lock = -84 ; dos offset! Lock(name,mode)(d1,d2)
UnLock = -90 ; dos offset! UnLock(lock)(d1)
Examine = -102 ; dos offset! Examine(Lock,InfoBlock)(d1,d2)
CurrentDir = -126 ; dos offset CurrentDir(lock)(d1)
ParentDir = -210 ; dos offset! ParentDir(lock)(d1)
Execute = -222 ; dos offset Execute(string,file,file)(D1/D2/D3)
GetDiskObject = -78 ; icon offset GetDiskObject(name)(a0)
FindToolType = -96 ; icon offset FindToolType(toolTypeArray,typeName)(A0/A1)
FreeDiskObject = -90 ; icon offset FreeDiskObject(diskobj)(a0)
Mode_old = 1005 ;
Mode_new = 1006 ;
Access_read = -2
move.l sp,Initial_SP ;Save stackpointer
move.l a0,Filename ;CLI=true save address to argument
sub.l #1,d0 ;decrement lenth with 1
add.l d0,a0 ;Add lenth to address
move.b #0,(a0) ;clear last byte (CLI=0A)
move.l #0,RetCode ;clear Returncode
START: move.l ExecBase,a6
suba.l a1,a1 ;Find this Task
jsr Findtask(a6)
move.l d0,a4 ;Save strukture in a4
tst.l $ac(a4) ;CLI or WB ?
bne CliStart ;
; ** This only when start from WB
move.l #49,RetCode ;Set Returncode
lea $5c(a4),a0 ;WBench message
jsr WaitPort(a6) ;wait
jsr GetMsg(a6) ;load message
move.l d0,Message ;save pointer to WBMessage
beq Slut ;error!
move.l #48,RetCode ;Set Returncode
move.l Message,a0 ;Pointer to WBMessage
move.l $24(a0),a0 ;Argumentlist
beq Slut2 ;no agument
; Open icon.library
move.l #47,RetCode ;Set Returncode
lea Iconname(pc),a1 ;Load address of IconName in a1
clr.l d0 ;all version
jsr OpenLibrary(a6) ;open iconlibrary
move.l d0,Iconbase ;Save Iconbase
beq Error1 ;branch if error!
; open dos.library
move.l #46,RetCode ;Set Returncode
lea Dosname(pc),a1 ;Load address of DosName in a1
clr.l d0 ;all dosversion
jsr OpenLibrary(a6) ;open doslibrary
move.l d0,Dosbase ;Save Dosbase
beq Error2 ;branch if error!
jsr PointTOCLI ;Get CLI pointer
tst.l Message ;if start from CLI
beq InFileOpen ;branch to FileOpens
; set Current directory
move.l #45,RetCode ;Set Returncode
move.l Message,a0 ;Pointer to WBMessage sm_ArgList
move.l $24(a0),a0 ;move pointer to wa_Lock
beq Error3 ;Error!
move.l (a0),d1 ;D1 => Lock
move.l Dosbase,a6
jsr CurrentDir(a6) ;Lock Current Dir
; Get diskobject (.info file)
move.l #44,RetCode ;Set Returncode
move.l Message,a0
move.l $24(a0),a0
move.l 4(a0),a0 ;move pointer to wa_Name
move.l a0,Filename
move.l Iconbase,a6
jsr GetDiskObject(a6) ;Get diskobject
move.l d0,Diskobj ;Save diskobject
beq Error3 ;Error!
move.l d0,a1
move.l $36(a1),a1 ;pointer to ToolType Array
move.l a1,toolTypeArray ;save pointer
; *** Get argument from tool icon (tooltype)
move.l Iconbase,a6
move.l toolTypeArray,a0
move.l #typeName1,a1
jsr FindToolType(a6)
move.l d0,Inname
move.l toolTypeArray,a0
move.l #typeName2,a1
jsr FindToolType(a6)
move.l d0,Outname
; open outfile
move.l #43,RetCode ;Set Returncode
move.l DosBase,a6 ;Load dosbase
move.l Outname,d1 ;Get filename
move.l #Mode_new,d2 ;1006=NewFile: 1005=Existing file
jsr Open(a6) ;open file
move.l d0,Outhandle ;Save filehandler
beq Error3 ;Branch if error!
; open readfile
move.l #42,RetCode ;Set Returncode
move.l Filename,d1 ;Load filename
tst.l Message ;test if Start WB or CLI?
beq.s InopLab ;Branch, if CLI
move.l Inname,d1 ;Load filename
InOpLab: move #Mode_old,d2 ;1005=Existing file : 1006=NewFile
move.l DosBase,a6 ;Load dosbase
jsr Open(a6) ;open file
move.l d0,Inhandle ;Save filehandlern
bne BldPath ;Branch if NOT error!
tst.l Message ;test Start WB or CLI?
bne.s Err ;Branch, if WB
move.l CLIpoint,d1
move.l #Textfld,d2
move.l #84,d3
jsr Write(a6)
Err: bra Error4
; Get and build pathway.
BldPath: jsr GetPath ;build path
Skriv: ; Only for bebuging (not used in program)
move.l Dosbase,a6
; move.l CLIpoint,d1
; tst.l Message ;test if Start WB or CLI?
; beq.s Skr ;Branch to End if CLI
; move.l Outhandle,d1
;Skr: move.l #path,d2
; move.l #255,d3 ;string length
; jsr Write(a6)
; call Execute (dosfunction)
move.l #0,RetCode ;clear Returncode
move.l CLIPoint,d3
tst.l Message ;test if Start WB or CLI?
beq.s Exlabel ;Branch to End if CLI
move.l Outhandle,d3 ;Get file handler
Exlabel: move.l PathStart,d1 ;get pointer of string
move.l InHandle,d2 ;get file handler
jsr Execute(a6) ;exectue a scripfile (dos)
; Close files
Cleanup1: move.l Inhandle,d1
jsr Close(a6)
Error4: tst.l Message ;test if Start WB or CLI?
beq.s temp ;Branch to End if CLI
move.l Outhandle,d1
jsr Close(a6)
Error3: move.l Iconbase,a6 ;Load Iconbase
move.l Diskobj,a0 ;Get diskobject strukture
jsr FreeDiskobject(a6) ;Free Diskobjec
temp: move.l Dosbase,a1 ;Load Dosbase
move.l Execbase,a6
jsr CloseLibrary(a6) ;Close Doslibrary:
Error2: move.l Iconbase,a1 ;Load IconBase
move.l Execbase,a6
jsr CloseLibrary(a6) ;Close Iconlibrary
Error1: tst.l Message ;Test if Start WB or CLI?
beq.s Slut ;Branch to End if CLI
Slut2: jsr Forbid(a6)
move.l Message,a1
jsr ReplayMsg(a6) ;drop struktur
Slut: move.l Initial_SP,sp ;Load start stack
clr.l d0
move.l RetCode,d0 ;Get returncode to D0
; !! *********** System DATA ************** !!
Initial_SP: dc.l 0
RetCode: dc.l 0
Iconbase: dc.l 0
Dosbase: dc.l 0
Inhandle: dc.l 0
Outhandle: dc.l 0
Message: dc.l 0
Diskobj: dc.l 0
CLIpoint: dc.l 0
Filename: dc.l 0
NewLock: dc.l 0
ParLock: dc.l 0
Inname: dc.l 0
Outname: dc.l 0
Pathstart: dc.l 0
Dosname: dc.b 'dos.library',0
Iconname: dc.b 'icon.library',0
TempNamn: blk.b 32,0
Path: blk.b 255,0
typeName1: dc.b "FILENAME",0,0
typeName2: dc.b "WINDOW",0,0
Textfld: dc.b 27,"[33mNewEx Version 1.1 by Kjell Cederfeldt",13,10,10
dc.b "No file name or file not found!",27,"[31m",13,10,10
toolTypeArray: dc.l 0
IconText: dc.l 0
FileInfoblock: blk.b 260,0
; ReturnCode 47 = icon.library not open
; ReturnCode 46 = dos.library not open
; ReturnCode 45 = currentdir not lock
; ReturnCode 44 = diskobjekt not found
; ReturnCode 43 = outfile (device) not found
; ReturnCode 42 = infile (device) not found
;******************** Subrutiner ***************************************
; Output functionen point to cli-window already open if start from CLI
move.l Dosbase,a6 ;pointer doslibrary
jsr OutPut(a6) ;get output pointer to Dos!
move.l d1,CLIpoint ;Save pointer
move.l #Path,d2 ;peek on address to Path
add.l #253,d2 ;peek on end -2
move.l d2,PathStart ;Get start of pathstring
move.l Dosbase,a6 ;Load dosbase
move.l #Filename,d1 ;Load pointer to filename
move.l Access_read,d2 ;read-mode only
jsr Lock(a6) ;lock
tst.l d0
beq EndLoop ;No File found
move.l d0,NewLock ;save lock
MainLoop: move.l NewLock,d1 ;Get lock
move.l #Fileinfoblock,d2 ;Get address to block
jsr Examine(a6) ;Get fileinfo
tst.l d0
beq EndLoop
move.l #Fileinfoblock,d2
add.l #8,d2 ;Add offset to address
clr.l d0 ;Clear counter
move.l d2,a0 ;move filepointer to A0
move.l #Tempnamn,a1 ;move pathpointer to A1
Loop: move.b (a0)+,(a1)+ ;move value A0 => A1
add.l #1,d0 ;decriment counter
tst.b (a0) ;Name end? (0 terminering)
bne.s Loop ;No branch to loop
move.b #47,(a1)+ ;add '/'
add.l #1,d0 ;decriment counter
move.l Pathstart,d2 ;get Path start
move.l d2,a0
Loop2: move.b -(a1),-(a0) ;save path-stukturen to Path
sub.l #1,d0 ;increment counter
bne.s Loop2
move.l a0,Pathstart ;save pathstart
move.l NewLock,d1 ;get lock
jsr ParentDir(a6) ;go to parent dir
move.l d0,ParLock ;save lock
move.l NewLock,d1 ;get lock
jsr UnLock(a6) ;relese lock
move.l ParLock,d0 ;get lock
move.l d0,NewLock ;move lock
tst.l d0 ;are we in root ?
bne MainLoop ;No branch
move.l PathStart,a1 ;get pathstart
Kolon: cmp.b #47,(a1)+ ;found first '/'
bne.s kolon
move.b #58,-(a1) ;Change this to ':'
move.l PathStart,a1 ;get pathstart
move.b #34,-(a1) ;add '"'
move.b #32,-(a1) ;add ' '
move.b #68,-(a1) ;add 'D'
move.b #67,-(a1) ;add 'C'
move.l a1,PathStart ;save the new start move.l #Path,a1
add.l #253,a1
move.b #34,(a1)
Endloop: rts